Welcome to IUSTH
Iusth Usa Inc., a Florida Not For Profit Corporation, is a business entity located in Tallahassee, FL. Officially filed on January 22, 2024, this corporation is recognized under the document number N24000000695. Governed by the Florida Department Of State, the corporation maintains an active filing status, and it currently does not have an FEI/EIN number listed.
The principal and mailing address of the corporation is situated at 1700 N Monroe St Ste 11-225, Tallahassee, FL 32303, serving as the central hub for its business operations and correspondence.
The corporation is led by a team of key individuals: Canal, Francois from Tallahasse FL, holding the position of TR; Francois, Louna from Tallahassee FL, serving as the Vice President, President; Horat, Rony from Tallahassee FL, serving as the President.
Ensuring the legal and official compliance of the corporation, Canal, Francois acts as the registered agent. He is based at the same address as the corporation’s principal address. As of the last update, this corporation had not filed any annual reports, reflecting its recent inception into the business world.
Filing information
Company Name | Iusth Usa Inc. |
Entity type | Florida Not For Profit Corporation |
Governing Agency | Florida Department Of State |
Document Number | N24000000695 |
FEI/EIN Number | NONE |
Date Filed | January 22, 2024 |
Company Age | 3 months |
Effective Date | 2/1/2024 |
State | FL |
Status | Active |
Company Contacts
Principal Address
1700 N Monroe St Ste 11-225
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Mailing Address
1700 N Monroe St Ste 11-225
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Registered Agent Name & Address
Canal, Francois
1700 N Monroe St Ste 11-225
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Officer/Director Details
Title TR
Canal, Francois
1700 N Monroe St
Tallahasse, FL 32303
Title Vice President, President
Francois, Louna
1700 N Monroe St
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Title President
Horat, Rony
1700 N Monroe St
Tallahassee, FL 32303
IUSTH reçoit des dons
Institut Universitaire des Sciences et des Technologies d’Haïti (IUSTH) est constitué sans but lucratif
dénommée « IUSTH » qui a pour objet de supporter les activités de l’Institut, une institution universitaire et
professionnelle dédiée à la formation à travers le pays de scientifiques et d’innovateurs ainsi qu’à la
formation continue avancée en science et technologie.
Il a pour mandat de :
- Recueillir des dons afin de financer des activités de formation et de recherche de développement de l’IUSTH
- Offrir des bourses citadelle et vertière aux étudiants et stagiaire de l’IUSTH
- Faciliter l’accès aux études supérieures aux candidats excellant du pays ;
- Appuyer et supporter la recherche scientifique et l’innovation pouvant servir de moteur au
- développement socio-économique du pays.
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